Film Festival Secrets Podcast #17 - Phoebe’s Birthday Cheeseburger

Phoebe’s Birthday Cheeseburger

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8 months is a long time to be on hiatus, but it was just a hiatus. Let’s see how many episodes I can do in a row this time!

The Film Festival Secrets podcast is back with a new mega-cheesy theme song and an interview with Will Lennon, director of the short film Phoebe’s Birthday Cheeseburger and Program Manager for the Cinema Eye Honors

I talk with Will for a bit about how his film came to be, how it ended up at SXSW, and what the Cinema Eye Honors are all about. Plus: how many calories are there in a McDonald’s cheeseburger?

In future episodes I’ll be answering listener questions, so send them in with the subject “podcast question” and I may answer them “on the air.” Or on the wire. Whatever.

Closing music: Xylophone and Ukulele Rival with Their Revelry by Kara Square. © 2014 Kara Square Licensed to the public under Verify at