Social media goodness
Making it easier for you to spread the word about the Film Festival Secrets crowdfunding campaign on Seed&Spark.
Social Media Images
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Rectangular (wide) images are formatted for Facebook.
Square images are ready for Instagram and Twitter (there’s a rectangular “safe zone” in the middle of the square especially for tweets).
Pre-packaged tweets
Anything you see over 140 characters has a URL that will shorten to the appropriate length when you submit it to Twitter.
Filmmakers! Get $500+ of festival submissions fee waivers plus @ffsecrets perks for $200.
Use the above tweet with the blue image. Thanks!
Co-authors wanted for the second edition of Film Festival Secrets @ffsecrets!
Brainstorm film festival strategy with filmmakers like you as @ffsecrets gears up for its 2nd edition!
Chris Holland @ffsecrets has something new for filmmakers on festival circuit. Get in on the ground floor:
Best peek you'll ever get into the minds of film festival programmers:
Feeling adrift about your film festival submissions? Get anchored w/@ffsecrets new podcast and book:
Ask fest guru @ffsecrets your burning film festival questions. Get answers!
Connect with other filmmakers submitting to fests and learn tricks from a pro - new project from @ffsecrets.
Chris Holland's new book begins with a podcast -- and you can be a part of it. Learn more @ffsecrets:
If you've ever wanted to get into the heads of festival programmers, now's your chance. Check out the new project from @ffsecrets:
Make every $ you spend on festival submissions count for more: join the @ffsecrets community. Ends July 10!
How to stop worrying about your film fest submissions: get guidance from @ffsecrets as a new book takes shape!
Ready to get your film fest $#!† together? Join the @ffsecrets community.
Feeling rejected from film fests? Figure out why with help from the @ffsecrets community.
Watch the new @ffsecrets book take shape and ask the questions you want answered!
Way, way better than potato salad - the new @ffsecrets book, crowdfunding now @seedandspark.
Sample email text - use in emails to promote the campaign (feel free to customize)
When filmmakers ask us questions about our festival and the festival circuit, we very often refer them to the book Film Festival Secrets: A Handbook for Independent Filmmakers. The book's author, Chris Holland has been on staff at a number of festivals (including the Austin, Atlanta, and Portland fests) and he worked with hundreds of different festivals on behalf of organizations like B-Side and IFP. His book is one of the most respected film festival references around and we recommend it (and his ongoing blog) to anyone seeking festival guidance.
This week Chris launches an exciting new chapter for Film Festival Secrets with a crowdfunding campaign on the filmmaking platform Seed&Spark. Contributors to the campaign will participate in the creation of a series of podcast episodes (featuring festival directors and veteran filmmakers) that will then serve as the research for the 2nd edition of the book Film Festival Secrets.
If you've ever wanted to ask a festival programmer how things really work behind the scenes, or wished you could pick the brains of other filmmakers who seem to have the film fest scene wired, this is your chance. There are plenty of additional perks including early access to new chapters and a private Facebook group for discussion with Chris and your fellow contributors. Check out the campaign at!